Please email detailing why the item is being returned and whether you would like a refund, quoting your order number.
From receipt, you have 28 days to decide if you want to return any item from your order. Your item must be in its original unused condition, unless there is a manufacturer defect. Should 28 days have passed since your purchase, unfortunately we cannot offer you a refund.
It can take up to 7 days for us to receive your return, depending on which postal service you use. Once we receive the item it will be inspected, and processed. We will then confirm via email what action we have taken.
Any refund will automatically be issued to the payment method used to make the original purchase and, in the event we are unable to provide a suitable replacement we will automatically refund you and contact you via email. In all cases, the items returned must be in their original condition. All goods will be inspected on return and any item in unsuitable condition will be sent back to you or refunded at a percentage of the original value.